Reservar Tour

Livestock and others

Serviagroc operates the livestock farm (E-TF-019-20146) at the Lomo del Balo Ecological Farm in Guia de Isora. Our animals are raised sustainably and non-intensively and their manure is suitable for conventional and organic farming and for Demeter certification.

CATTLE - Fleckvieh or Careto

Important cattle breed distributed across the five continents, which due to its significance and representation in the national livestock heritage is recognized as an Integrated Breed in Spain.

Ganado vacuno Belga

CATTLE - Belgian Blue

Belgian Blue is a breed of cattle from Belgium. Because of its muscular appearance, it is known as double-muscled. Both breeds have a greater capacity to convert feed into lean muscle. The Belgian Blue owes its name to its mottled coat color, usually blue-gray, however, its color can vary from white to black.

The breed originated in central and upper Belgium in the 19th century, from the crossing of local breeds with a Shorthorn from the United Kingdom.

CATTLE - Peli ox sheep

The pelibuey (also known as Cuban Red or Canary Haired Sheep) is a breed of domestic sheep native to North Africa and the Canary Islands, brought to the Caribbean and Central America by the Spanish.
The pelibuey is a breed of sheep that generally does not produce wool (de-wooled); this adaptation makes it especially useful in tropical environments where woolly sheep do not survive. Males lack horns, unlike woolly sheep. This is a breed bred especially in hot climates for meat consumption and to obtain high-quality manure.
Oveja Pelibuey
Pavos Huerta

OTHERS - Wild peacocks

Also known as the Indian peacock or blue-breasted peacock, it is a species of galliform bird of the Phasianidae family, one of the two species of the Pavo genus, which since ancient times stood out among the animals admired by humans because of the extraordinary polychromatic fan that constitutes the tail of the males.

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